Consulting services


support for companies

The Aero Club Como, the oldest organization of management of activities with seaplanes in the world, offers advice to individuals, companies, associations and aviation authority on all aspects of the flight hydro.

The Club staff, including pilots, technicians, and experts in regulations, you will be able to support:

  • In the acquisition, evaluation, and inspection of seaplanesthe research on the titles of the property, up to transport from one continent to another.
  • Inopening and management of assets with seaplanes from assistance tostarting a flight school or a business with seaplanes, in its organizational aspects, operational and bureaucratic.
  • Inopening and management of idroscali and idrosuperfici; from the evaluation of the area for the operational characteristics of the paperwork, to the study and assistance in the realization of the infrastructure on the ground.
  • And still... care of the initial private pilot, assistance in the organization of exhibitions and events with seaplanes, the organization of shipments and special operations.
    We are able to carry out these activities in the whole world.

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