Safeguarding and Prevention Policies
Aero Club Como A.s.d., in line with the guidelines of the Aero Club d'Italia pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 36 of 28 February 2021 and Legislative Decree no. 39 of 28 February 2021 and the provisions issued by the CONI National Council, affirms the right of all members to be considered and treated with the utmost respect and dignity, intending, to this end, to combat any discriminatory practice, harassment, form of abuse, gender violence or discrimination for reasons of ethnicity, religion, personal beliefs, disability, age or sexual orientation or for the reasons referred to in Legislative Decree no. 198 of 11 April 2006 on members especially if minors.
In order to implement the above directives, a Safeguarding officer is appointed and an Organisational Model is drawn up to be understood as the internal Regulation of the Aero Club Como A.s.d. regarding Safeguarding policy to which all members must refer and comply with.
The person in charge of Safeguarding procedures is Ms. Isabella Cotta, appointed to this role by the Board of Directors of the Aero Club Como A.s.d.
Link to view the document: AERO CLUB COMO – CODICE CONDOTTA SAFEGUARDING Ed. 1 Rev. 0 25-11-24