The world's oldest seaplane organisation and seaplane flight school
Over 100 years of history
Established in 1930, where seaplanes have been flying since 1913, the Aero Club Como a.s.d. is a non-profit organisation promoted by pilots and flight enthusiasts who intend to maintain and develop the tradition of seaplane aviation.
The Aero Club Como a.s.d. manages the most important flight school for seaplane pilots on the European continent, aimed both at those who wish to approach flying for the first time and at experienced pilots who intend to elevate their flying skills with the seaplane rating.
Fly from the water to the sky
Aero Club Como a.s.d. is flying on the water, in the air and on the ground. It's live in unison, the two great universes of aviation and the navy. Fly as free as you can imagine in general aviation. You have access to the most beautiful places of the world, which invariably are on the water or near it.